Diablo Immortal introduces a new class, the Blood Knight

Blizzard dives into its archives here to seduce veterans of Sanctuary. The Blood Knight is an old enemy in Diablo I. As the most powerful knights in the game, they were fearsome mobs late game, nearly immune to magic and capable of ripping any character to shreds. Diablo Immortal turned them into mid-range fighters armed with a spear and bloody powers somewhat reminiscent of necromancer hemomancy. The blood knight stands out, however, with vampiric powers, such as summoning bats or mist, but especially the Abomination skill at level 50, which allows him to turn into a golgoth thirsty for red blood cells and demolish everything. on his way.

Bled alive

In the universe Diablo, blood knights are humans bitten by vampires, but saved by a mystical ritual before transforming completely into creatures of the night. Only the eponymous order of chivalry, secluded in the crypt of a castle, knows the mysteries of the said ritual. Thus, accepting their salvation is also swearing to join their crusade against the forces of evil. All blood knights are perpetually on the edge of the abyss, protected by a magical charm that allows them to temper the vampiric infection. However, if necessary, they can temporarily let go of the reins to exceed their mortal limits, even if it means risking to switch definitively to the other side.

You’re not you when you’re hungry

You can find all of the Blood Knight’s skills as well as his legendary equipment on the official Blizzard website (in English) as well as the short story instincts.

The Blood Knight will arrive in Sanctuary on July 13. Diablo Immortal will offer free class transitions for up to three weeks after release so everyone can get their canines out. A commercial gesture in Blizzard’s cash cow? Like anything can happen…

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