Diablo Immortal is available, you can start playing

Diablo Immortal: All the info

Diablo Immortal is available, you can start playing


Raiden Robin

Blizzard’s F2P MMO is now playable on mobile, whether Android or iOS. PC gamers are going to need a little more patience. We summarize in passing some of the most important information to know about the game.

You can now download Diablo Immortal from the Play Store or the App Store, then start playing on the game servers. It is better to do it with a Wifi network available, since the game weighs more than 2.6 GB of base, plus several GB of additional downloads for additional content.

Officially the launch is scheduled for June 2 at 7 p.m., but to avoid traffic jams, Google and Apple ask that the download be possible, and that the servers be available about 24 hours before. It is for this reason that the PC version does not arrive until tomorrow.

Getting started on Diablo Immortal

Remember to choose the same server as the people you plan to play with, it is not possible to transfer your character. It would be a shame to have to start from scratch. If you still hesitate to play because of the Pay to Win aspect, you can consult our file dedicated to the thing.

Here are some guides to help you get started:

Each of the 6 classes of the F2P MMO Diablo has its own style, strengths and weaknesses: Sorcerer, Demon Hunter, Necromancer, Barbarian, Crusader and Monk. Here is an overview guide, with the elements to take into account when making your selection in order to enjoy the game.

Want to take your first steps on the F2P MMO Diablo on Mobile or PC? Discover our detailed guide with advice and some mistakes to avoid to progress quickly and not miss anything during your adventures in Sanctuary: choice of server, class, improvement of equipment.

Leveling up to level 60 with your character is your major goal in Blizzard’s F2P MMO, much of the high-level content and activities are locked before. Here is a guide to XP farming with tips and advice to gain levels while progressing.

Explore Diablo Immortal content

Whether it is to inform you, or to advance you while waiting for the PC version, you can also discover our articles presenting the different features of the game:

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