Diablo IV: Want to Play the Open Beta? Why you’re going to have to be very patient

Robin Lamorlette

March 24, 2023 at 11:15 a.m.


Diablo IV © Blizzard

© Blizzard

The open beta of Diablo IV starts tonight at 5 p.m., and there is a risk of a lot of jostling at the gate of the Underworld…

Good prince, Blizzard has thus split on its forums a message indicating that it will be necessary to expect, in any case today, large queues during the first hours.

The Underworld is already full

This is a fact well known to Blizzard’s servers, systematically with each launch of an open beta or a game of its own, and Diablo IV unfortunately will be no exception. If the early access phase last weekend had already shown long queues, the situation is likely to be much worse on the occasion of its open beta, the start of which is scheduled for this evening at 5 p.m. (Paris time).

So Blizzard’s highly anticipated hack’n slash will not only supposedly heat up graphics cards, its servers will also experience hellfire. ” There may be very long lines, especially this Friday and during peak regional attendance “, soberly indicated the studio.

Diablo IV queue © Blizzard

Get ready to see that window for a while this weekend © Blizzard

Additionally, Blizzard has warned that beta servers may occasionally be down for ” deploy infrastructure tweaks and fixes “. If after hours of waiting, you finally manage to play, so don’t bang your screen or your desk like a demon in the event that this should happen… and return calmly to the file box waiting.

A necessary evil ?

To better pass the ointment, Blizzard invokes the card that this open beta allows to test the servers so that the official launch of Diablo IV does not meet the same fate. But we know for a fact that the Hells of Waiting will be unleashed in much the same way on June 6th.

Anyway, if you’re patient, those who haven’t played Early Access will be able to discover the first act of the main story and try out the game’s five classes (Barbarian, Druid, Necromancer, Sorcerer and Thief) up to level 25. However, progress on the beta will not be retained when the game is released, but completing certain tasks such as reaching level 20 will grant small cosmetic bonuses for the final version.

So we wish you good luck if you are thinking of trying Diablo IV this evening and during the weekend, because the wait is then likely to be long until June 6th. See you on Sanctuary, or in the queue to enter!

Source : Blizzard

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