Diablo IV will have at least two expansions

Blizzard just launched Diablo 4 that, already, the continuation is evoked. The company is working on two full expansions, and this is historic for the saga.

Diablo had Hellfire. Diablo II had lord of destruction. Diablo III had Reaper of Souls. When we look at the history of Blizzard’s flagship saga, the scheme has always been the same: one extension per episode. Things will change for Diablo IVif we are to believe the words of Rod Fergusson, in charge of the saga, held in the Kinda Funny Games podcast and reported by PC Gamer on June 5.

When discussing how Blizzard is structured to work on Diablo IV, Rod Fergusson mentions an important point: the company is already in the works on not one, but two expansions. This implies two things: the post-launch content will be substantial and it could be offered soon. All while knowing that there are already a lot of things to do in the basic version. This did not prevent players from reaching level 100 in record time.

Two expansions for one Diablo

You have to build a team and a structure in a sustainable way, because, in truth, we will always be in the launch period. As I speak to you, we’re getting ready to launch the game, we’re finishing season 1, we’re working on season 2, we’re working on the first expansion, we’re going to start the second expansion… says Rod Fergusson. His words are reassuring for those who doubted Blizzard’s ability to make it last Diablo IV in time. At first glance, there are great maneuvers to offer a good posterity to this game which makes many people agree (10 out of 10 in our columns).

Rod Fergussion also specifies that the game-service status of Diablo IV ensures better follow-up, with content offered on a more regular basis. This is exactly what makes the success of Fortnite, a game-service model that constantly puts a new coin in the machine to satisfy its very large community. Today, to last, you have to be regular. It will be a big plus compared to Diablo IIIwhich has had only one expansion since its release in 2012.

Diablo IV has a remarkable artistic direction, very gothic. // Source: Screenshot PS5

As a reminder, it is necessary to distinguish the seasons from the extensions. The seasons will enrich the content with new gameplay and more minor things (enemies, rewards, etc.). For their part, the extensions will advance the story and, if we refer to the liabilities of Diablo, will undoubtedly add new classes. Blizzard Entertainment will be able to draw from all those that are absent from the fourth opus (monk, witch doctor, crusader, etc.).

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