Diana, Fergie, Camilla: Elizabeth II, an implacable mother-in-law

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Obviously, the queen doesn’t like her daughters-in-law. For her, the function of a royal wife is to ensure the continuity of the monarchy. Point.

In 1989, Princess Diana and Queen Elizabeth II attended a polo match.
In 1989, Princess Diana and Queen Elizabeth II attend a polo match.

By Marc Roche

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Elizabeth II – The Last Queen


We will probably never know the truth of Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor. It doesn’t matter, in the end. From her posterity will remember the longest reign in history, spanning two centuries, ensuring a link between the generations who have always known this silent icon, a symbol of resilience, permanence and paradoxically of normality. For, under the golds and the pomp, behind the palaces, the brooches and the hats, everyone felt that Elizabeth Regina was a woman almost like the others, loving country life more than anything, her old scarves, her dogs and his family, even a little dysfunctional. Like everyone else, she faced ups and downs, joys and dramas, approaching the vicissitudes with exemplary self-control. Here then, beyond the majesty of the Crown, is the family album and the intimate portrait of an extraordinary woman.



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