Diane Leyre (Miss France 2022) celebrates her 25th birthday: dance of joy and strong message

Very mature for her young age, the young woman also confided that she had worked a lot on her since her coronation and had managed to master many of her fears and fears. Addressing his “mini me“, she says: “I’ll high five you from here by telling you that despite all our doubts, we did pretty well. You can stop being afraid of tomorrow. We can be proud of never having given up“.

Yeah! Happy Birthday!!!“, comments Mareva Galanter, “Happy birthday to the future Miss Universe“, adds Nathalie Marquay Pernaut. “Happy Birthday to my little sister. How proud of you I am. Love“, writes Delphine Wespiser for her part. One thing is certain, Diane Leyre has lived seven months of pure magic and already seems to have forged strong relationships with several former Miss France. Bonds that will certainly last after her magical year of coronation .

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