Did Bruno know Alicia before the show?


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Bruno and Alicia is already one of the favorite couples of the show Married at first sight. But their obvious alchemy is beginning to be called into question.

Their meeting was worthy of a fairy tale. Alicia and Bruno looked like they had a crush on the show Married at first sight. The harmony between them seduced the public, who very quickly elected this couple as the favorite of the show.

But this happiness staged on television begins to raise some doubts and many rumors about the past of the two candidates begin to emerge. What if the two lovers had already fallen in love before saying yes in front of the cameras? A rumor to which Alicia quickly responded on Instagram.

The candidate who upset viewers by recounting her personal drama has always been frank. If she was ready to tell her intimate story in Married at first sightshe is also there to tell the backstage of the show. “The show is called Married at First Sight, so it would be a shame if the title of the show was already (misleading)”, Alicia explained calmly.

“You do indeed meet your future husband, or your future wife, at first sight. All the participants have experienced the same thing as me and that, all seasons combined”wanted to remind Alicia.

Bruno suspected of being unfaithful

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This is not the first nor the last rumor circulating. Definitely Bruno and Alicia spend their time denying information about them. On March 29, the newlywed again felt compelled to come back to articles evoking Bruno’s alleged infidelities to Alicia.

On Instagram, he shared his frustration. “I make this video to deny: know that many people articles are false (…) There is no veracity. It is always “close sources””, Bruno explained. And to add, “but today, my relatives know the truth. I really want to make this video to reassure everyone. No, I didn’t have a double life.” said the candidate of Married at first sight.

Tired of invented stories about their relationship, Alicia now prefers to laugh. She shared her first photo shoot with Bruno to emphasize that the rapprochement between them began from that moment.

She also allowed herself a little joke in an Instagram story. by posting a fake scoop. “Scoop, Alicia is actually called Paulette and is going to raise goats and guinea fowl in Larzac”, writes the candidate of Married at first sight.

Amina Boumazza

Freelance journalist, Amina is passionate about societal trends which she dissects with words. She pays particular attention to women’s rights and equal opportunities. When she…

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