Did you know ? Guillaume Durand married the ex-wife of a famous writer

Invited on the set of the show C à vous to discuss his fight against cancer, this Monday, January 10, Guillaume Durand could only have a tender thought for the one who shares his life. For more than twenty years, the journalist has lived a love affair with Diane de Mac Mahon, the ex-companion of Frédéric Beigbeder.

In love as on the first day, Guillaume Durand and Diane de Mac Mahon can go through it all together. Guest of the show C to you, presented this Monday, January 10 by Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, the 69-year-old journalist mentioned his fight against illness. Operated for jaw cancer, the former presenter of France 2 was able to count on the support of the one who has shared his life for 27 years. While he was deputy editor-in-chief of the continuous news channel LCI, Guillaume Durand crossed paths with Diane de Mac Mahon in 1994. If love at first sight was immediate between the two current enthusiasts, their love story was impossible. At that time, the director was in a relationship with Frédéric Beigbeder. Married to the writer since May 17, 1991, Diane de Mac Mahon did not hesitate to end their marriage in March 1996 in order to be able to live her romance with Guillaume Durand. A relationship that surprised more than one, as she pointed out in the columns of Gala, in April 2009. A few wondered if I was getting a good deal by marrying Guillaume. “

Once divorced, Diane de Mac Mahon could finally live alongside the man who capsized her heart. Mad about each other, the journalist and the former director of the I-Télé channel were quick to start a family by welcoming their son Joseph in 1998. Fifteen years after their first meeting and a short separation, Diane de Mac Mahon and Guillaume Durand said “yes” to each other for life in April 2009, just a few months after the arrival of their little daughter Angélique. By getting married, the couple united to better and for worse.

© BALDINI / BESTIMAGEGuillaume Durand and his wife Diane de Mac Mahon attend the 20th anniversary of the Bal Jaune, at the Hotel Salomon de Rothschilds, in Paris, on October 21, 2018.

Guillaume Durand and Diane de Mac Mahon: a tight-knit couple in the face of adversity

The life of a couple is often made up of ups and downs. Guillaume Durant and Diane Mac Mahon could not say the opposite. Before sealing their love in the town hall of the XVIth arrondissement of Paris, the director and the journalist crossed a couple crisis. A period of their life made up of extra-marital adventures to which the Radio Classique host returned during an interview with Gala in 2015. I have been unfaithful, she left, came back, knew how to forgive. It is she who has the moral ascendancy in our couple, a sense of dignity much higher than mine, he declared before adding. Diane gives the safe framework, signage, red lights and prohibited directions “.

Having overcome this ordeal, the couple seem stronger than ever. And in their life together, Guillaume Durand and Diane de Mac Mahon are not spared. Parents of two also had to deal with the disease. In 2021, the former presenter of France 2 was suffering from jaw cancer. It has been a long road to recovery since then, but on December 21 it finally came to an end. “That day, after a final scan, the head of nuclear medicine shouted in the hallway, ‘There’s nothing left.’ I wanted to kiss her “, he explained in an interview with the newspaper The Parisian. With determination “of a boxer who took a hell of a blow” and the love of his wife Diane de Mac Mahon, Guillaume Durand succeeded in K-O the disease.


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