Did you know ? There is a command on Midjourney to merge images

Midjourney can accept several other orders and not be satisfied with your description. You can also send photos to it for the AI ​​to merge. The result is sometimes remarkable.

That’s it, have you managed to register and use Midjourney? Are you now “addicted” to the images generated by the artificial intelligence algorithm? Be aware that there are more commands and rules than the simple statement “slash + imagine” (“/imagine”), along with your description. You can also base yourself on the existing one.

One of Midjourney’s very valuable features is its ability to merge images together for a consistent result. This command is called “blend” and works like “imagine”, except that typing “/blend” in the text input box on Discord will bring up additional parameters.

The /blend command brings up these options on the Midjourney Discord. // Source: Screenshot

This is where you need to get your images from your computer to send them to Midjourney. You can request a merge between two and six images. Note that this service is also subject to the tool’s terms of use. The images you choose are also public: other people on Discord can see them.

How to merge images with Midjourney

  • Open the Discord app and go to the Midjourney server;
  • Type “/blend” (without the quotes) in the text box, once you are in one of the channels where you can send your instructions (these are servers called “newbies + a number”);
  • Choose between two and six images and send them to Midjourney;
  • Let the algorithm grind over your visuals;
  • A first result with four proposals will be displayed. At that point, you can use Midjourney’s common instructions to request variations on this or that image, to narrow down the one you like the most, and so on.

Want some examples?

These two images gave the result below. Four proposals. We are then free to settle for that or to ask Midjourney for additional work.

midjourney blender 1
Aren’t they cute? // Source: Midjourney

Another example :

The result ?

Midjounrey Blender 2
A cat full of patriotism. // Source: MIdjourney

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