did you pay more or less than the average French person for your car?

According to the Cetelem Automotive Observatory 2023, the price of new cars has increased by 9% in ten years, reaching 25,000 euros in France. Faced with this, almost six out of ten motorists (59%) fear that they will no longer have the means to own a car in the future.

how important is it to have a car, and how much does it cost you? The Cetelem Automotive Observatory 2023*, published on Thursday 13 October, provides some answers. And despite a cost perceived as increasingly highno question for the majority of motorists to do without it.

The average price of a new or second-hand vehicle paid by motorists in the 18 countries questioned within the framework of this Cetelem Observatory is 16,181 euros. France is a little above this trend, with an average price of 16553 euros. But the note rises sharply for motorists wishing to acquire a new vehicle: with an increase of 9% over the last decade, the average price of new vehicles sold in France now displays nearly 25,000 euros.

A car that always costs more

To the purchase price of the vehicle is also added the cost of use (fuel, maintenance, car insurance and parking). A majority of the motorists questioned are formal, the overall budget for a vehicle is high and growing. 83% of the French say that the cost of using cars has increased in recent years.

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All this weighs on household wallets: 73% of French people believe that owning a car is affordable today, but that requires financial sacrifices. A sacrifice nevertheless deemed necessary, since a large majority of French people believe that a car is almost essential. 75% of them say they probably couldn’t give up owning a car for good. This importance of the car explains why 6 out of 10 French motorists (59% of those questioned) say they fear they will no longer have the means to own a car in the future.

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*study conducted by Harris Interactive from June 23 to July 8, 2022 among 16,600 people in 18 countries: South Africa, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, China, Spain, United States, France, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway , Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom and Turkey.

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