Didn’t hit the right tone: SPD deletes Insta post about Sylt racism scandal

Didn’t hit the right note
SPD deletes Insta post about Sylt racism scandal

Well-intentioned but not well-executed is an Instagram post by the SPD about the racist hate song on Sylt. Numerous commentators expressed their displeasure, then the party withdrew the poorly worded post.

The SPD wanted to comment on the racist party roaring on Sylt with an Instagram post – but was met with incomprehension and criticism and finally corrected itself. In reference to the slogans shouted there, the party had originally written on the platform under a black, red and gold banner: “Germany for the Germans who defend our democracy.” After a large number of negative reactions, the post was deleted. A party spokeswoman confirmed the content of the message, which is no longer available, when asked on Friday evening.

Instead, the party wrote in a story (spelling as in the original): “We have just published a post in which we strongly condemn what we all saw in a video from Sylt. We did not manage to find a tone that would resonate with everyone. We would like to sincerely apologize for that. We want to make it clear that we do not want to leave this country to right-wing extremists and hate preachers.”

State security investigates

Previously, a video from the island of Sylt was widely shared on the Internet on Friday, causing nationwide outrage. It shows apparently well-off young people dancing to the Italo dance classic “L’amour toujours” by Gigi D’Agostino in front of a bar on the North Sea island. yelled “Germany for the Germans – foreigners out!” The bar distanced itself from this and announced legal action. The police’s state security department is investigating. One of the young women in the video, who works for an influencer, has since been fired by her.

In recent months, similar cases have repeatedly come to light in which the 23-year-old song – especially on Tiktok – was misused for racist hate speech. The music publisher ZYX from Merenberg, which owns the rights to the song, had already filed a complaint against unknown persons in March.

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