Digital companies are doing well but are struggling to recruit

Customer experience, e-commerce, dematerialization, modernization of infrastructures, data collection, 5G or even security are all themes that occupy CIOs in the post-Covid recovery period.

According to a Numeum report published this Friday, 2022 is overall a good year for companies in the digital sector in France, marked by an increase in demand to finalize projects sometimes stopped during the pandemic or to start new ones.

The professional organization anticipates annual growth of +7.4% for the digital sector, slightly more than the forecasts of last December (+7.1%). “After the Covid crisis, the year 2022 is dedicated to a very strong recovery for digital,” says Numeum.

A sector that weighs 60.8 billion euros

The digital market in France weighs 60.8 billion euros this year. If digital service companies (ESN) monopolize half of the market value (31.9 billion euros in turnover) against 35.5% and 21.6 billion euros for software publishers and cloud platforms, it is this second category that shows the highest growth rate (+11.3%).

The increase in IT budgets partly explains this dynamic. According to a survey carried out by PAC, Group Teknowlogy, for Numeum, 51% of CIOs declare an increased budget for 2022, an increase compared to forecasts. On the other hand, 39% of CIOs declare a relatively stable budget and 11% a decreasing budget (up to -10%).

Numeum notes, however, that the digital sector remains “largely driven by its traditional levers”. Thus, the cloud, big data, cybersecurity, the Internet of Things and digital transformation are at the top of the list of priorities for CIOs. For example, they focus their efforts on security, improving the customer experience and analyzing data.

Many positions are unfilled

Note that the digital sector is still creating jobs for the 12th consecutive year. Last year, 34,000 salaried jobs were created, out of a total of 572,126 people.

In 2022, 75% of digital companies even declare having relaunched recruitment. On the other hand, many positions are not filled: 79% of companies in the sector admit to having difficulty recruiting talent.

For Godefroy de Bentzmann and Pierre-Marie Lehucher, co-presidents of Numeum, “the training and attractiveness of the sectors must be a priority to counter the shortage of technical skills and respond to the challenges of innovation in the professions of the sector”.

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