Digital environmental footprint: what does the first BEREC report say?

Alexander Boero

March 18, 2022 at 12:55 p.m.


telecom tower antennas © Farbsynthese / Pixabay

© Farbsynthesis / Pixabay

The group of European telecom regulators presented its first report on Wednesday, aimed at limiting the impact of the digital sector on the environment.

As part of the sought-after limitation of the digital environmental footprint, the very first report issued in this regard by BEREC, the group of European telecom regulators, was eagerly awaited. The independent body, which is based in Riga in Latvia and brings together regulators from the 27 countries of the European Union, has managed to compile the results of various activities carried out on the environmental theme, under the aegis of a joint working group. -chairman by ARCEP, the French Electronic Communications and Postal Regulatory Authority, and its Czech counterpart, the CTU. Several avenues have been put forward.

BEREC, a role to play in harmonizing digital environmental impact assessment methods

In addition to affirming the ambition of the European telecoms regulators who are members of BEREC to contribute to the environmental transition of the digital sector, several major projects have been identified. And the first consists, for the organ, in ” make available data more reliable and promote harmonization of methodologies “. What does that mean ?

The European Union’s telecom regulators consider that they have a role to play in improving the reliability of data as well as the robustness and harmonization of all the methodologies used to assess the environmental footprint today. digital. As of June, BEREC will therefore launch a work stream focused on the relevant indicators that will help to assess the sustainability of telecom networks and services.

Another priority set by BEREC, “ encourage transparency and conduct data-based regulation for the benefit of users “. Whether on products or digital services, environmental transparency is key to providing users with what BEREC calls “ the power of choice “. He hopes, through data regulation, to create positive incentives in the sector.

Promoting good practices and putting regulatory tools at the service of environmental issues, on a European scale

The group of European telecom regulators intends to identify and promote good practices in the sector » deployed by digital players such as manufacturers (of terminals), operators and application and content providers.

BEREC also wishes to putting regulatory tools at the service of environmental issues “. Here, we are thinking in particular of spectrum management, the coordination of civil engineering or the pooling of certain parts of the networks.

ARCEP, the French representative of BEREC, is one of the pioneer telecom regulators in terms of sustainability (” sustainability of the digital sector, as well as their Irish (ComReg) and Finnish (Traficom) counterparts. The French regulator has also shared its experiences and best practices with the European body, so as to develop a coordinated approach to the various issues raised, across the whole of the EU.

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Source: BEREC

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