Dijon, European laboratory for a “positive energy” district

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The Burgundian metropolis is piloting one of the most important experiments in self-consumption on a district scale, which could serve as a model.

From our correspondent in Dijon, Arnaud Morel

Buffon school group, in the Fontaine d’Ouche district, in Dijon

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EIs it possible, today, to imagine an urban district that is completely carbon neutral, and even capable of producing more energy than it consumes? A “positive energy” district, in short? This is the ambitious bet of the Dijon metropolitan area, associated with the Finnish city of Turuk, both winners of the European Response program (for “integrated Solutions for Positive eNergy and reSilient CitiEs”). In Dijon, between now and 2023, 1,100 inhabitants of 487 social housing units, a school group and various public buildings in the Fontaine-d’Ouche social housing district will experiment with a number of innovations aimed at energy sobriety.

Because reaching the Holy Grail of positive energy on a neighborhood scale requires a real revolution: rethinking the means of production and…

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