Dino Crisis: a nice surprise for fans and it’s free!

Dino Crisis is one of those franchises regularly cited by video game fans, but Capcom put it away a long time ago and doesn’t seem ready to put it back in the spotlight. Whatever, some fans of the old era still plan to bring Dino Crisis to life in their own way.

The independent developer Stefano Cagnani has just launched on Itch.io a free demo of Dino Crisis Rebirth, or Project Crisisa game taking the form of an unofficial remake designed using theUnreal Engine 5. Gone are the fixed cameras of the time, make way for a camera behind the shoulder (as in Silent Hill 2 Remakebut especially as in the remakes of Resident Evil 2 And 3), but the fans obviously find Regina against dinosaurs.

Difficult to know if Capcom will intervene to cut short this amateur remake projectthe Japanese studio has already had other similar projects canceled in recent years. For now, the demo of Dino Crisis Rebirth is to be discovered on Itch.io for freeStefano Cagnani having tested it on a PC with a Intel Core i7a “GeForceRTX-1050Ti” (sic, probably a GTX 1050 Ti) and 16 GB of RAM.

If you prefer a more authentic and official experience, Dino Crisis will arrive soon in the Classics Catalog for subscribers of PlayStation Plus Premiumyou can find cards PSN on Amazon.

Read also: Dino Crisis back? Even Shinji Mikami doesn’t believe it, the fault of another Capcom franchise

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