Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: her lawyer looks back on the ongoing divorce with her husband Cédric: Current Woman The MAG

France has had no news from Delphine Jubillar for almost two months. This 33-year-old nurse – mother of two children, aged 6 and 18 months – would have left her home in Cagnac-les-Mines (Tarn) on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020. One week later, December 23 , the Toulouse public prosecutor's office therefore opened a judicial investigation against X for “arbitrary arrest, kidnapping, detention or sequestration”. Organizing beatings, searching the home, launching calls to witnesses or even setting up a toll-free number: the searches have yet to yield anything. But investigators continue to learn more about Delphine Jubillar every day. Her neighborhood was notably questioned, and it was discovered that the young woman had a virtual relationship with a mysterious lover and "confidant".

This separation seemed to come about by mutual agreement "

Ever since he reported the unusual absence of his wife to the authorities, and even more since the discovery of this lover, Cédric Jubillar has fueled suspicion. On social media, many internet users accuse him of being involved in the disappearance. Some even go so far as to draw a (hasty) parallel with the Daval affair. The couple were facing issues: they had been in the process of divorce since the summer, at the request of Delphine Jubillar. On January 18, 2021, the radio 100% managed to contact the lawyer responsible for representing the mother.

If the latter wishes to remain anonymous, however, she has agreed to give some details on the ongoing proceedings between the Jubillars. The couple had each hired a lawyer, and the steps taken suggested an out-of-court divorce was looming. “This separation seemed to come about by mutual agreement, assures Delphine Jubillar's lawyer. She then explained that she spoke to the nurse on the phone about ten days before she disappeared. The lawyer of course gave all the information to the investigators, “but does not wish to make further statements ”, finally indicate our colleagues.

Read also : Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: her husband sends a text message to a neighbor at 4 a.m.