Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: the young woman absent for her 35th birthday, which is planned for her

Tuesday November 15 will mark the 35th anniversary of Delphine Jubillar, who died on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020 in Cagnac-les-Mines (Tarn). On this occasion, her close friends decided to organize an event to pay tribute to her.

Almost two years have passed since the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar, but her family and loved ones do not forget her. On the Facebook page Support for the families of Delphine Aussaguel, the friends of the deceased nurse announced, Sunday, November 13, the organization of an event in his honor on Tuesday, November 15, on the occasion of his 35th anniversary. “Gathering of lights, solidarity and hope, in front of Delphine’s, at 8:30 p.m., for her birthday. She will be 35, can we read on the Facebook page held by the friends of Delphine Jubillar since her disappearance. Let’s stay united, united, and pool our strength so that Delphine is found.”

In their message, nurse girlfriends invite “everyone who wants to join” it’s up to them to come together in support of Delphine and her two children, Louis, 8, and Elyah, 3.Friends, family, neighbors, strangers, school moms, come with us”, they write, before sharing their usual message of hope. “We loose nothing. Against all odds, we will never give up. (…) Delphine we love you.”

Since the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar, her friends have been working tirelessly to try to find her and ensure that the investigation does not fall into oblivion. After having multiplied excavations and beatings for long months, they spent the summer of 2022 putting up photos of Delphine in the Cagnac-les-Mines region. “We are convinced that someone has seen something, or that someone knows something. Delphine can be your sister, your cousin, your friend. So we tell them to stop closing their eyes. Speak and say what What do you know.”, one of them said then.

For now, the main suspect in the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar is none other than her husband, Cedric Jubillar. Incarcerated in the Seysses remand center, in Haute-Garonne, since June 18, 2021, he categorically denies any involvement in the case.

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