Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: this photo which is worth gold that the gendarmes do not want to see emerge

As the anniversary date of Delphine Jubillar’s disappearance approaches, a reconstruction ordered by the investigating judge in charge of the investigation will take place on December 13.

What happened on December 15, 2020 in the Tarn, where Delphine Jubillar mysteriously disappeared leaving her two children and her family without news? This is what the investigators and the examining magistrate responsible for investigating his disappearance will try to clarify. It is in this sense that a reconstitution will take place on December 13, 2022, but under high protection.

Avoid at all costs a shocking photo for the family as in the Daval affair

To prevent any image of this judicial act from leaking, the gendarmes have squared the perimeter in order to create a sort of “tight bubble”, as reported by Purepeople. Objective, not to reproduce the shocking situation created by the photo of the reconstruction of the Daval affair. “We have learned that journalists were trying to negotiate their presence with local residents, to thwart the security perimeter that will be set up that day.“explained to Actu Toulouse a source close to the investigation. The media also recalled the circumstances “a snapshot of the computer technician, clutching the neck of a gendarmette depicting Alexia on the stairs of the house in Gray (Haute-Saône), had circulated in the press and on social networks”. This is why when Cédric Jubillar travels to the courthouse for his hearings, everything is done so that no photo leaks to the media.

It will be the same for the reconstitution: “The number of protagonists allowed to enter the perimeter will be restricted to the maximum and the telephones will have to be cut. No drones or helicopters while high-powered camera lenses like those of the paparazzi are pushed aside.” reports Purepeople. The objective being to shed light on the circumstances of thethe disappearance of the mother, all precautions are in order.

© Frederic Maligne / Bestimage

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Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar
The gendarmes fear that photos will leak and traumatize the family

© Frederic Maligne / Bestimage

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Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar
The perimeter of the reconstruction will be ultra-secure

© Frederic Maligne / Bestimage

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Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar
A reenactment will take place on December 13.

© Thierry Breton / Panoramic / Bestimage

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Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar
The gendarmes are afraid that the same situation as in the Daval case will arise


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Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar
Everything is in place so that no image filters

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