Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: This strange white car that could upset the investigation

Currently imprisoned in Toulouse-Seysses prison since June 18, 2021, Cédric Jubillar would have confessed to the murder of his ex-wife Delphine to one of his fellow prisoners. Placed in solitary confinement in an individual cell, the painter-plasterer would have nevertheless succeeded in forging a friendship with another man incarcerated in the same penitentiary center. Together, the two detainees would have even managed to discuss at length, in particular on the disappearance of Albi’s nurse.

Shocked by the confidences of the 34-year-old painter-plasterer, the ex-prisoner now released would have decided to tell Cédric’s words to the investigators in charge of the case. According to him, Louis and Elyah’s dad killed the 33-year-old nurse and buried her body on a farm. “who burned“, located 2 kilometers from his home in Cagnac-Les-Mines. The painter-plasterer would also have confessed to having been helped by two friends to transport and hide the body of Delphine Jubillar the night of December 15 to 16, 2020. During their exchanges, Cédric would have also mentioned the use of a “white car“to move the nurse’s body.

Strangely enough, the car belonging to Delphine is indeed a Peugeot 207 in white color. Very quickly, this vehicle had already attracted the attention of investigators because it was parked in an unusual way at the time of the facts. In addition, the gendarmes had found mist on the windows and a window on the driver’s side open in the middle of December. A detail that could have incriminated Cédric Jubillar, whose gendarmes used this car to move the body of his wife the night of his disappearance?

At the time, for Cédric’s lawyer, Me Jean-Baptiste Alary, this lead was simply “not serious“.”This parking issue is not serious. there are a multitude of reasons the car was parked in a different direction than usual, if this is the case“, he confided, before giving the results of the DNA analyzes of the vehicle.”What is more, nothing was found of interest in this car. No dirt, mud, any trace of Delphine’s DNA in the trunk “, added the criminal lawyer in the columns of Free noon.

Following recent statements by Cédric’s former co-detainee, the two people suspected of having helped the plasterboard painter to bury Delphine were also arrested on December 15, 2021 by the gendarmes. They finally came out free at the end of their hearings and no charge weighs against them for the moment. Their respective vehicles were however seized by justice in order to detect a possible trace of the presence of Delphine.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the facts with which he is accused until the final judgment of this case.

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