Disappearance of Emile: new in the investigation

Nearly two weeks after Emile’s disappearance at Vernet, the investigation is accelerating. New hearings of the inhabitants of the town were carried out, while several vehicles were combed through by the investigators.

Already almost two weeks have passed since the disappearance of Emile which occurred in the hamlet of Haut-Vernet, commune of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, on Saturday July 8, 2023. If the search operations in the area have ended, the investigation is, for its part, far from being at a standstill. Within the research section of Marseille, nearly twenty investigators are working hard to try to find the trace of the missing little boy.

The gendarmerie of Seyne-les-Alpes located near the town where the events occurred often acts as headquarters to organize the search. Since the opening, this Tuesday, July 18, 2023, of a judicial investigation led by the Aix-en-Provence investigation center, the investigation has changed speed. Residents of the town where Emile disappeared were again heard in the case by these investigators who are well accustomed to the exercise of interrogation. The opportunity to hear once again the version of the last people to have seen Emile before he disappeared.

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Vehicles scrutinized

According to information from BFM TV, a couple, for example, was interviewed for several hours by the investigators, while the husband was one of the last inhabitants of the town to have seen Emile before he vanished. After which, the couple left the hamlet, which prompted the investigators to redouble their insistence on knowing each of their actions during the days which preceded and followed the tragedy which is currently befalling Haut-Vernet.

Hearings that are supplemented by field work. Until this Thursday, July 20, 2023, the gendarmes again passed all the vehicles of the inhabitants of the area with a fine comb. A mission entrusted to forensic science technicians responsible for identifying the slightest clue – a hair, an eyelash, a drop of blood, etc. – to put the investigation on the trail of the little boy. An inspection which generally takes place on the premises of the Departmental Equipment Directorate (DDE).

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It is thanks to their work that a young resident of the town, renowned for his speeding on the road and designated as the ideal culprit by many residents, was notably able to be exonerated in this case. This Thursday morning, the prosecutor of Digne-les-bains was seen in the hamlet during an unofficial visit since the case is now taken care of by Jean-Luc Blachon, prosecutor of the judicial court of Aix-en-Provence, determined not to communicate on an investigation in progress.

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