Disappearance of Émile: the village of Vernet blocked for a week for further excavations

This Sunday, March 31, the investigation into the disappearance of the 2 and a half year old boy experienced a sad twist: a skull and teeth found by a walker were confirmed as those of little Émile. The investigation will now work to discover the causes of the little boy’s death. Indeed, the place where these bones were found raises questions. As explained by our colleagues from South Westthe gendarmerie will now “undertake further research” on the area where the remains of the child were found – an area which had already been searched several times… To do this, the village of Vernet will be blocked for a week following an order taken by the town hall. These latest measures apply from this Sunday, March 31 at 4:30 p.m., until the following Sunday at 12 p.m. They were put in place to allow research to progress and to ensure the peace of mind of the investigation.

Citing information from BFMTVour colleagues from South West also explained that at this location, the land was “difficult”, which could explain why investigators missed these bones. However, François Balique, the mayor of Vernet, told the Figaro that this area is very busy: “It’s a place where hunters and their dogs and residents pass daily and where forestry work was carried out in the fall.” Following this discovery, the investigation took a new turn, now seeking to understand how the little boy’s bones got there: several hypotheses are being studied by the investigators.

Disappearance of Émile: such great sadness

While investigators and the little boy’s family still held out hope that the little boy could be found alive, the discovery of his remains was truly heartbreaking for his loved ones. In a statement, the family’s lawyer said: “The time has come for mourning, contemplation and prayer”while conveying the family’s thanks to all those who had them “helped and supported”, as well as to law enforcement. While, while awaiting the conclusions of the scientific police, no hypothesis is favored, many people have spoken out to express their great sadness at this terrible news. It now remains to clarify the mystery of the little boy’s death.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

Photo credits: Screenshot / TF1

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