Disappearance of Émile, this surprising statement: “The investigators know very well…”

Since July 8, six months ago already, little Emile was not found. The mystery still lingers concerning the mysterious disappearance of the 2 and a half year old boy, who spent the holidays in his grandparents’ second home, located in the hamlet of Haut-Vernet. On December 26, BFMTV broadcast a new issue of Red line, dedicated to this case which has not been resolved. The opportunity to hear the mother of the 17 year old teenager, who was interviewed and searched by investigators, express himself on this interest shown in his son.

As a reminder, the young man, who works on a farm with his family, was interviewed several times by the gendarmes. His house was notably analyzed, as was his place of professional practice. His mother, for her part, explained that the building in question, a length of “fifty meters“, is full of “heifers, cows, bulls”. “That’s all it takes to have a successful operation. It’s work, it’s a passion. It’s a family affair. With my son, we will soon join forces”, she asks our colleagues, before returning to the multiple searches and hearings of her son. “We know human stupidity, we know what people are capable of. So, we are not surprised either,” she said, aware that the fact that the teenager had an argument with Émile’s grandfather the very morning of the child’s disappearance may have pushed investigators to take an interest in him. In addition, the 17-year-old is known for driving a little too fast in the village with his tractor. Enough to suggest that a dramatic accident could have happened.

A phone allowing you to precisely trace your morning of July 8

Confident, the BFMTV interlocutor declared: “The investigators are sorting things out and they told my son: ‘If the journalists ask you, you will tell them that you are not indicted.'” Before adding: “The investigators know very well, minute by minute, where he was when the little one disappeared.” A close neighbor of the family, named Gilles, also came to the teenager’s aid: “We can say that he was accused of having committed something when there is nothing at all, because if there was something, the police would have taken him away.” Returning to the ease with which the gendarmes were probably able to retrace the young man’s morning, he developed, by way of explanation: “From the beginning, he was a child who always has his phone with him, so investigators know very well […] Where was he.”

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

Photo credits: TF1 screen capture

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