Disappearance of Lina: this heavy secret that the teenager hid for a very long time from her mother

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The search continues, but still no trace of Lina has been discovered by the investigators responsible for finding her. On September 23, 2023, the woman who was 15 years old at the time of the events, went to the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station in Bas-Rhin, in order to take a train to Strasbourg where she must find her boyfriend, Tao. Since then, there has been no further news from the teenager who was in CAP helping the person and who has given no signs of life.

This Sunday, the teams of Seven to Eight were interested in this news item which interests the French, in the same way as the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar or little Émile. After going there, our colleagues were able to chat with Louane, Lina’s cousin, to whom she has always been very close. The latter notably returned to a case which caused a lot of noise since the teenager was allegedly raped by two men at the age of 13 and she had even filed a complaint on June 27, 2022. The case was closed without further action in the spring of 2023 for “insufficiently characterized offense”, but obviously, this triggered retaliation against Lina.

Lina wanted to protect her loved ones in the face of threats

“She ended up talking about it because it seemed like she had suffered waves of insults following this rapetells Louane in the TF1 show, before saying more about this story: “At first, I thought they were friends, girls jealous of her, but then she told me that it had nothing to do, that it was in relation to her complaint that she was being harassed. She never told me by whom. I didn’t see the messages, but she told me: ‘There are some who threaten me with deaththere are some who threaten the family, there are some who threaten to enter my house and catch me.

And obviously, the teenager, who had many enemies in the region, made the decision not to tell anyone, especially her mother, Fanny Groll. “I have the impression thatshe wanted to resolve this alone, without involving other people, to protect them. Lina tried to keep it to herself, but in the evening, she thought about it a lot, she told me when she couldn’t sleep. I asked her why it worried her so much and she replied: ‘I’m afraid they really will do it'”says Louane.

Lina’s mother has a theory

A disturbing testimony from Lina’s cousin, only a few weeks after the thesis put forward by the teenager’s mother and which sends chills down your spine. The latter thinks that the two motorcycle thefts of which her daughter was the victim, only a few months before her disappearance could have a link with this affair. “The second motorcycle theft, I told the police that someone wanted to harm my daughter”declared Fanny Groll, who still has no news from her daughter.

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