discreet, the National Rally still defends its national preference

Two minutes of speeches out of eight and a half hours of debate: the Rassemblement national (RN), always mindful of its speaking time in French political life, showed itself to be economical in the matter, during the study in committee of the reform of unemployment insurance, adopted at first reading, Tuesday, October 11, by the National Assembly. On September 27 and 28, while the deputies from left and right were struggling to amend the government text facing the rapporteur Marc Ferracci (Renaissance), the RN deputies present in the Social Affairs Committee remained almost silent.

“Commission victories are a shot in the dark. Concentrating on the public session is of more interest, justifies Laure Lavalette, MP for Var, group referent on this text. Nupes Amendments [Nouvelle Union populaire écologique et sociale] in committee were plethoric, this embolizes parliamentary work. »

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Unemployment insurance: what the bill passed by the deputies contains

This great discretion in committee aroused the astonishment of the deputies of the Nupes, when the RN refrained from defending some of the amendments which it had itself tabled. Or the irony of the rapporteur, the following week in the Hemicycle, when, responding to an amendment tabled by the RN, Mr. Ferracci turned to his left before being recalled by the far right: “Excuse me, I had lost the habit of speaking to this part of the Hemicycle. »

A trick subject for the party

After having taken their first steps on consensual texts in July, in particular that on purchasing power, the deputies of the RN were expected on this trap bill for a party crossed by different sensitivities on the question of employment and of social protection.

On the merits, Marine Le Pen explains that she defended her vision of unemployment suffered and not wanted, she who qualifies as “right-handed” the vision of the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, on the subject. The president of the RN considers that the fraud with unemployment benefits is minimal and opposes the speeches on an alleged “assistantship”held by some of its deputies who hear it in the constituency.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Unemployment insurance: MPs harden the reform project led by the government

However, she defended the end of unemployment benefits for employees refusing a permanent contract at the end of their fixed-term contract, a problem that, according to her, the bosses of small and medium-sized businesses suffer from. On this subject, Marine Le Pen wanted to be even stricter than Les Républicains (LR) and the majority, of which she denounced “the modesty of a virgin”. According to her, the alternation of fixed-term contracts and periods of voluntary unemployment concerns wealthy executives or young graduates, who are more voters of Emmanuel Macron.

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