Discussion on the net: What people only found out about their partners after the wedding

Discussion on the net: What people only found out about their partners after the wedding

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As a rule, couples don’t marry until they know each other really well. Most of them have already spent several years together there. And yet there are often things that one only learns from each other after the wedding.

Couples these days are no longer necessarily expected to marry. What used to be socially demanded before people were allowed to live together is now purely voluntary. For the bride and groom, it’s all about a day full of romance, with lots of loved ones. And yet – somehow a wedding takes a relationship to another level. It often brings a couple even closer together. Sometimes, however, people only discover surprising aspects of their loved one after they have said yes. On the Internet platform Reddit, numerous users revealed what amusing things they only noticed about their partners after the wedding.

For example, one woman discovered that her 28-year-old husband had no idea how female periods worked. Specifically, it was not clear to him that women bleed in the process. “He thought you just have stomach cramps or something. We only found out when we bought a new wardrobe together and put our underwear in a common drawer. He saw my bloodstained period panties and started to cry – he thought I was terminally ill and would have kept it a secret from him! “

Secret foreign language skills and toilet use

An American reports: “After we were together for 15 years and married for seven years, we watched television together and someone spoke German on the series, without subtitles. My husband translated it for me, just as if it wasn’t anything special. I just thought: Who are you?!” She had no idea about his foreign language skills.

But it’s not just the men who surprise their women – it works the other way round too. And not always in a positive way: “I didn’t know beforehand that my wife could do big business the size of cans. No joke. She is 1.56 meters tall and weighs less than 50 kilos, but the size of her legacy regularly clogs the toilet and then I have to get it out again. “

Dark little marriage secrets

Most of the time, however, it is the men who are not very open with their partners from the start. Says one woman: “When we first met, my husband had told me several times the story of how he was a teenager who rode BMX and once fell so badly that his nose had to be restored through an operation. I noticed that he was Looked so different in children’s pictures. A few years after our wedding, I mentioned the story to his mom and she had no idea what I was talking about! It turned out he had never owned a BMX bike. He looked different because as a teenager he was so ashamed of his big nose that his mother saved money and financed him a cosmetic operation. “

Source: “Reddit”

This article originally appeared on stern.de.

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