Disgusting find in the coffee machine? What many simply forget after the purchase

According to Statista, around 72 percent of Germans drink a cup of coffee regularly or daily. There are a number of options and a wide variety of machines for preparing coffee. But coffee machines can mutate into real bacteria and germ spinners if they are neglected to be cleaned. There is an increased risk of mold, especially in the popular fully automatic coffee machines.

Since the coffee powder is ground directly in the machine, it is distributed generously in the interior of the machine and also becomes warm and moist – the ideal breeding ground for mold.

But mold can also be found in simple filter coffee machines if they are poorly cleaned.

In the following, we will show you how your coffee machine does not become a mold trap. In the table below we present the best fully automatic coffee machines.

To ensure that your fully automatic coffee machine does not mutate into a mold trap, it needs to be cleaned properly. The following steps must be observed:

Step 1: With daily use, run the cleaning program of the machine at least once a week. Unfortunately, this rinsing process alone is not enough to counteract mold and bacteria.

Step 2: The coffee collection container should be emptied, cleaned and dried well every day after use. Make sure that there are no residues in the container. The coffee grounds begin to mold particularly quickly due to the moisture and heat.

Step 3: The brew group should also be cleaned regularly. A brew group is an assembly in your fully automatic coffee machine or other coffee machine in which the coffee powder is brought into contact with the hot water. Clean them with clear water or washing-up liquid and then let them dry thoroughly. If the brew group of your fully automatic machine cannot be removed, the regular rinsing process of the cleaning program is sufficient.

Step 4: Even the water tank has to be emptied every day and cleaned with washing-up liquid to remove limescale or other dirt deposits. In addition to lime, other germs can also form in the water tank.

Step 5: Finally, you should thoroughly clean the milk frother of your fully automatic machine every day. Especially in the frother, milk residues can easily form and spread germs.

In the table we present useful products for cleaning and descaling your coffee machine.

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