There was great excitement after the organized vaccination fraud became known in the Vienna Austria Center (ACV). For example, falsified evidence was issued to several people who refused to vaccinate. Behind the whole thing is said to be a 26-year-old employee of the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASBÖ). The young woman is now out of her job, the police investigation is ongoing.
On December 11, the young woman’s employer filed a complaint. According to this, the 26-year-old Austrian is said to have entered several people as vaccinated in the health system – even though those affected had not received any vaccine. “These are cases in the lower double-digit range,” said police spokeswoman Barbara Gass, who emphasized: “We are only at the very beginning of the investigation.” ASBÖ spokeswoman Stefanie Kurzweil is a little more specific and assumes fewer than 100 but several dozen cases. Whether at all, and if so, how much money the 26-year-old for the fraud from their “customers” is not yet known, according to Gass. In any case, the employee was dismissed without notice. She is now being investigated for preparing the forgery of documents. Employee forged her own vaccination certificate Another employee (33) of the ASBÖ, who was also working in the ACV in Impfstrasse, was also dismissed. The unvaccinated woman is said to have taken care of the entry in her own vaccination certificate as early as the beginning of September. She was also released without notice. Your case is already with the public prosecutor. Both the ASBÖ and the police emphasize that there are currently no indications of other people involved in the vaccination fraud in the ACV. “Of course, I can’t say anything about the number of unreported cases,” said Gass.
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