Dispute over fiber optic network – Swisscom appeals Comco ruling – News

Dispute over fiber optic network – Swisscom appeals Comco ruling – News – SRF

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  • Swisscom is appealing the fiber optic dispute with the Federal Competition Commission (Weko).
  • The competition watchdog’s order is being taken to the Federal Administrative Court, it says in a statement.
  • Because the Comco’s justifications are incomprehensible.

The antitrust watchdogs imposed a fine of 18.4 million francs on Swisscom a week ago because they consider the changed design of the fiber optic network to be anti-competitive. Swisscom had changed the network architecture to just one line from the telephone exchange to the street shaft. However, ComCo is insisting on an expansion with a supply line for every household.

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By the end of 2025, fiber optic coverage is expected to increase from the current 47 percent to 57 percent and by the end of 2030 to 75-80 percent. By then, the latest network technologies such as fiber optics and 5G mobile communications should be available in almost all communities. At the same time, Swisscom will gradually decommission the approximately 150-year-old copper network wherever fiber optics are available over the next few years.

SRF 4 News, May 2, 2024, 8:00 a.m.;

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