Dissolution: Edouard Philippe wants a “new majority” open to “all the forces” of the “central bloc”

Édouard Philippe called on Tuesday for the construction of a “new majority”, which must “open up” to “all the political forces of the central bloc”, because “no political party alone is able” to govern “meet the challenges of the French”. With the dissolution, “there is an effect of surprise, obviously”, declared the former Prime Minister, ally of Emmanuel Macron, on RTL. “The causes and motivations of the President of the Republic (…) we must ask him the question, they belong to him. At the end of the day, giving the French a voice again is never a bad idea,” added the president of Horizons.

“Building a new majority”

Edouard Philippe called for “building a new majority”. Starting “from the simple principle that no political party alone is able to implement something that meets the challenges of the French”. “So we have to be open. Accept that on a certain number of points, we can work with others,” he insisted again. This approach must concern “all political forces within the central bloc”, added Édouard Philippe, who was already advocating a coalition with Les Républicains (LR) in 2022.

“We still learn that at the National Rally, we are discussing with a certain number of LR executives.” To the latter, “I tell them that we can build together policies that are essential for our country over the next three years.”

“Our country cannot wait. It cannot abandon itself to a kind of immobility linked to a complete blockade. It is extremely dangerous for the country, it will not serve anyone except the extremes who , are in the process of getting organized,” insisted Edouard Philippe. The former Prime Minister, who is actively preparing for the 2027 presidential election, reaffirmed his priorities — “putting our house in order”, “in our accounts”, “in our streets”, making “the system work”. school”, to be able to “enrich oneself through one’s work”– to restore “confidence to the French middle class”.

Will he himself be a candidate for the National Assembly? “I am mayor of Le Havre. For three weeks, I am going to campaign every day. I have freed up my entire schedule, I want to defend the Horizons candidates and try to build this majority. I cannot tell you better.” Prime Minister again? “We are not there” and “it is not my ambition to be Prime Minister”.

“The president can count on me. Above all, I would say that the country can count on me,” he also declared.

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