Distribution of the BR departments – “If Berset had wanted the UVEK, he would have gotten it” – News

FDP President Thierry Burkart explains his party’s position on the new distribution of departments in the Federal Council in the Saturday news broadcast by Radio SRF. A section.

Thierry Burkart

FDP President

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FDP Council of States Thierry Burkart is a lawyer and has represented the canton of Aargau in the small chamber since 2019. He has been FDP party president since October 2, 2021.

SRF News: Are you satisfied with the distribution of the departments?
Thierry Burkart: For us as a party, it was important that the FFD remained in the hands of the citizens. It’s about the debt brake. This is an important instrument of Swiss politics. It has led to the financial possibilities to offer support in crises, for example in the case of Corona. That is why it is important to us that the debt brake is clearly adhered to.

It is a clear intention of the left-green that they want to soften the debt brake.

You said in a Sunday newspaper that you doubted whether central or left-wing federal councilors had the right awareness of the debt brake. Do you accuse these parties of not wanting to abide by the constitution?

It is a clear intention of the left-green that they want to soften the debt brake. They don’t say openly that they want to get rid of them entirely. To that extent I stand by this statement. The debt brake is a constitutional norm, but the specific form is taken at the legislative level. Appropriate applications have already been made there.

But there have also been good finance ministers from the SP.

That is undoubtedly the case, but it was a long time ago. We had the impression that it was necessary and better for our country today if fiscal policy remained in the hands of the citizens. The good years are over. We need someone who is capable of making themselves unpopular and stepping on people’s toes.

Are you assuming that concrete savings templates are needed?

You will have to see that. Parliament will not be able to make decisions as generously as it has in recent years.

In absolute terms, the army spends less today than it did thirty years ago.

For example in the army?

In absolute terms, the army spends less today than it did thirty years ago. However, the security policy situation in the world and in Europe in particular has changed. Switzerland has to ask itself what it wants to do in terms of defense capability – we practically have none left. But there are many other examples.

KKS vs. Duke?

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The rumor is that Ms. Keller-Sutter spoke out against Ms. Herzog beforehand because she didn’t want a second strong woman and, above all, no financial specialist in the Bundesrat. Burkart says:

“It was already clear in advance that no one who is new can take over a department that someone who is already on the Federal Council claims. In this respect, Ms. Keller-Sutter would also have received the FDF if Ms. Herzog had been elected. And on the contrary, Ms. Keller-Sutter seeks confrontation with strong personalities because she is one herself.”

The “NZZ” wrote about a “Machiavellian action” in connection with the distribution of the departments. Is civic power play Swiss behavior?

The fact is that the solution was found by consensus in the Bundesrat. I would like to make it clear: If the SP had wanted the UVEK at all costs and Mr Berset had made an effort, he would have gotten it. That was already clear in advance: if a previous member of the Federal Council wants a department that will be vacant, that it will be given preference over someone new. But the SP didn’t want it, the middle party with Mrs. Amherd didn’t want it. Then it was free.

It was important to the FDP that Mrs. Keller-Sutter took over the finance department and not Mr. Berset. When Mr. Berset didn’t want the UVEK afterwards, it could either go to the SP or to the SVP. The SVP has prevailed. So in those two cases it was bourgeois power play after all?

I can only emphasize what all parties have said beforehand; namely that the distribution of departments is a matter for the Federal Council.

The SP has no fundamental right to always have DETEC and EDI.

If Mr. Berset had wanted the uvek, he would have gotten it. The SP has no fundamental right to always have the UVEK and the EDI.

Interviewed by Oliver Washington.

Abbreviations of departments:

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UVEK: Federal Department of the Environment, Energy and Communications.

FDHA: Federal Department of Home Affairs.

FDF: Federal Department of Finance

Saturday news, SRF1, December 10th, 2022. 121:30 p.m.;

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