District Court of Zurich – the process of the Schwyz SVP cantonal council ended – the verdict is pending – News

  • The court hearing in the case of the Schwyz SVP cantonal councilor Bernhard Diethelm is over.
  • The Zurich District Court intends to announce the verdict this evening.
  • The public prosecutor’s office demands a prison sentence of four years and a fine of 1000 francs – the accused’s lawyer demands an acquittal.

At the district court in Zurich, the Schwyz SVP cantonal councilor Bernhard Diethelm had to answer today. The public prosecutor accuses him, among other things, of endangering his life.

Diethelm is accused of these crimes

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The public prosecutor has accused Bernhard Diethelm of attempted rape and attempted sexual assault, among other things.

He is said to have met a sex worker in Zurich in June 2021. According to the indictment, there was a scuffle in their apartment.

Diethelm is said to have massively choked the woman. The suspect also tried to stun her. During these attacks, the woman injured her lower jaw, and she also suffered scratches and bruises on her arms, thighs, knees and feet.

The public prosecutor also accuses the Schwyzer of prohibited pornography. During the evaluation of the accused’s mobile phones and notebooks, pictures of sexual acts with animals were found.

In his questioning, Bernhard Diethelm denied the serious allegations. According to him, the sex worker bit him because of a dispute over money. When he fought back, he may have injured the woman. “I saw red, I apologized for that.”

I saw red, I apologized for that.

He pushed the woman and she fell to the ground. That could have been more intense. But he didn’t do more. When she started screaming at the top of her lungs, he fled.

Did Diethelm have a narcotic with him?

When asked during the trial why the plaintiff’s nose had been burned, Diethelm had no answer. He denied having chloroform or anything similar with him.


The Schwyz Canton Councilor Bernhard Diethelm provided information on June 28th at a media conference in the town hall in Schwyz.

Keystone/Urs Flüeler

However, it could be proven that the SVP politician googled “buy chloroform legally” 45 minutes before the meeting – a judge held this against him. “I can no longer explain that,” said Diethelm.

He is said to have choked the sex worker

At the beginning of the hearing at the Zurich district court, the 26-year-old sex worker described in tears how the Schwyz cantonal council had attacked and choked her. According to their statements, Diethelm had previously booked them for meetings. However, everything remained within limits.

I was afraid for my life.

That morning in 2021, the 40-year-old suddenly grabbed her from behind and choked her when she wanted to ask him about the payment. There had never been a dispute about money before, the woman said.

According to the indictment, Diethelm tried to stun her. “I was afraid for my life.”

Prosecutor demands imprisonment

In her plea, the prosecutor doubted that the Schwyzer had just pushed the sex worker. Rather, the 26-year-old’s injuries would indicate choking and a fight. The woman was “covered with injuries”.

The alleged victim’s lawyer has demanded compensation of 7,000 francs for the physical and psychological consequences. Her client always stated clearly and stringently, while Diethelm put forward different versions.

No resignation

The SVP of the canton of Schwyz had demanded the suspension of Diethelm’s membership after the allegations became known from the local Wägital party.

The politician spoke to the media last week about a private matter that has nothing to do with his political activities. The prosecution is based one-sidedly on the statements of the prostitutes.

A resignation as a cantonal councilor would be an admission of guilt for him. He feels prejudiced by the media.

It is the presumption of innocence.

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