Divorce process – Emir of Dubai has to pay his ex-wife almost CHF 650 million


The London High Court has ordered the Emir of Dubai to pay his family half a billion pounds in severance pay. The court found that he posed a threat to them.

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The Emir of Dubai was sentenced to a large payment to his wife and two daughters.

imago sports photo service

He has to transfer half a billion pounds (about 610 million Swiss francs) to his family.

He has to transfer half a billion pounds (about 610 million Swiss francs) to his family.

imago / Eastnews

The emir - Sheikh Mohammed bin Raschid al-Maktum - is a danger to his daughters and his ex-wife Haja (right in the picture).

The emir – Sheikh Mohammed bin Raschid al-Maktum – is a danger to his daughters and his ex-wife Haja (right in the picture).

imago images / ZUMA Wire

  • Sheikh Mohammed bin Raschid al-Maktum has to pay his family a record severance payment.

  • A court in London ruled that the Emir of Dubai must transfer over 670 million Swiss francs to the princess and his two daughters.

  • The Sheikh had his own daughters kidnapped several times in order to keep them within his sphere of influence.

According to the decision of a British court, the Emir of Dubai has to pay around half a billion pounds (a good 610 million francs) to his ex-wife Princess Haja and their children. The bill that the London High Court presented to Sheikh Mohammed bin Raschid al-Maktum on Tuesday for the separation consists of roughly half payments to the 47-year-old Haja and the two joint underage children. Overall, this is considered to be the highest sum ever imposed in a UK divorce case.

Princess Haja fled to London in 2019 to escape the control of the emir, who is also Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates. She said she was threatened with death – also because she had expressed concern for two adult daughters of the emir who had tried in vain to escape the influence of their father.

Sheikh had his own daughters kidnapped

Last year a court in London found that the Sheikh had ordered the kidnapping of the two sisters. Princess Shamsa was abducted from Cambridge to Dubai in 2000 after trying to break away. Her younger sister Latifa said she was stopped while trying to escape in 2018 and was forcibly brought back to Dubai. Recently, vacation photos had fueled speculation that Latifa now enjoys more freedom.

The sheikh had always denied the allegations. Most recently, however, a court found in October that he had his ex-wife’s cell phone monitored with Pegasus spyware.

The High Court judge stressed on Tuesday in London that the greatest danger to Princess Haja and her children came from Sheikh Mohammed. She will be exposed to dangers for the rest of her life, be it from her ex-husband or from terrorists.

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(DPA / bre)

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