NAIROBI (Reuters) – More than a hundred migrants are missing off the coast of Djibouti, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported on Wednesday, saying the exiles were forced into the water by their smugglers .
Their two boats left Yemen towards Djibouti with a total of 310 passengers, specifies the IOM, which adds that at least 45 bodies were recovered and 154 people rescued.
“The Djiboutian coast guard is continuing its search and rescue operations to locate the missing migrants,” IOM said.
Survivors told the UN agency that they were forced into the water by smugglers off the coast of Obock, a town on the Djibouti coast.

“Including this catastrophe, 2024 becomes the deadliest year for migrants traveling between the Eastern Horn of Africa and Yemen,” laments the IOM.
Every year, hundreds of thousands of people leave the region in the hope of a better life in the Gulf countries by taking the “Eastern route” which the IOM describes as one of the busiest and riskiest of the planet.
For many, the journey ends in Yemen, a country torn apart by violence. The question then arises for them of returning to Djibouti to try again to reach the Gulf countries.
(Ammu Kannampilly; French version Nicolas Delame)
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