DNS0.eu promises to surf the Internet more serenely

A web directory

In the huge network of interconnected computers that is the Internet, machines are identified by their IP address, which takes the form XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX. Thus, to access the content of your favorite online magazine (we will not have the audacity to specify that these are the Digital), you connect to server Of course, you can memorize this fine sequence of numbers, but the easiest way is to type in a more intelligible name, such as www.lesnumeriques.com to access the site. How is the relationship between the IP address and the URL made? This is the job of DNS servers, or Domain Name Servers, which are also called resolvers.

A DNS server is therefore a kind of huge web directory, which allows communication in a more “human” way with machines and servers connected to the Internet. It is therefore a critical service to ensure smooth web browsing.

A hotspot to watch

DNS servers are therefore used to orient you on the Internet and direct your connections. When you connect to a site from your computer or smartphone, you use your access provider’s DNS servers by default. Be aware that most of the time, these requests are transmitted “in the clear”, and anyone able to intercept these communications may know your browsing history. In France, the main ISPs can be considered trustworthy, but the relay servers do not offer such certainties. In addition, these requests are not authenticated and therefore it is not possible to verify and certify who is responding to your requests. Therefore, malicious people can direct you to a fraudulent merchant site to recover your data instead of your favorite online store.

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Why change DNS server?

Changing the DNS server is therefore not insignificant, but remains a fairly simple operation. So why would you want to change it? The main reason is security. Indeed, private DNS servers can, for example, filter out malicious sites to save you all sorts of disappointments. By changing the DNS server, you can also hope to snatch a few milliseconds with a fast infrastructure – at least for the first connections, the data is then kept in cache.

More safety, especially for children

Our first tests with DNSBenchmark show that dns0.eu is not the fastest DNS service on the market.

© Screenshot / Les Numériques

The new free DNS service developed by dns0.eu has some interesting advantages. The site of this French non-profit association, founded in 2022 by Romain Cointepas and Olivier Poitrey, effectively announces that all of its servers are located in countries of the European Union. The operation of dns0.eu therefore clearly complies with the GDPR in force. Private DNS filters out malicious domains based on public lists (Osint) and artificial intelligence results. In addition, it offers an enhanced security option (zero), which blocks access to recent domains (less than 30 days old, considered the most dangerous), and another to protect children (kids) by limiting their access to pornographic content or advertising.

It’s free, but what then is the product?

Access to a private DNS server is generally free and dns0.eu is no exception to the rule. So how are the investments financed? Questioned on this point, Romain Cointepas ensures that dns0.eu is developed on the funds of NextDNS, whose software part is widely used. In addition, the initiative seems to appeal to some Internet players, who make equipment available – it will also be possible to support the project with donations.

Changing the coordinates of the DNS servers requires a few manipulations that are not always easy. Note that the site offers instructions for performing them on your different devices. And if your internet box allows it, it is best to change its DNS so that all connected devices can benefit from the new services. Please note, outside the home, remember to modify the parameters of your terminals. By default, the dns0.eu server addresses are as follows:

  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:
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