Do i have to change my life?

Problems are challenges that we grow with. And some even more: namely signals that we are on the wrong path in life! These five problems are food for thought.

Sure, we all have problems, typically human. But there are such and such. Many of our problems primarily challenge us. Challenges that motivate us to solve them in a targeted manner. For example, the argument with the sister, the short-term sleep disorder or the persistent minus on the account. We deal with such problems, develop a strategy and solve them. But there are also problems that have deeper roots and that show us that something fundamental is wrong with our lives.

These problems are signs that you should change your life

1. Your envy weighs on you and your relationships.

Envy a friend because she can afford everything you want with her parents' money or follow the travel blogger at Insta and dream of exchanging lives with her – totally okay! A healthy dose of envy helps us find out what is important to us and what we want to work for. However, if it goes so far that we really start to hate our girlfriend or secretly wish the blogger something very bad, our envy is above all one thing: A signal that we are deeply dissatisfied with our life – and that it is best to turn it around should.

2. You find it extremely difficult to make decisions.

Passion and emotions are our most important compass – if we lack them, we are in the air. We don't know what we want, what we need, what we feel like doing. Even small decisions in everyday life are difficult for us – or we don't care at all. If our decisiveness, i.e. passion, decreases noticeably in this way, it is often a sign that our life generally means less to us than it used to. And that can only be because something is fundamentally wrong – because if there is one thing we should always love with all our hearts, it is definitely our life.

3. You can no longer get your chaos under control.

Sure, there are decent people (virgins!) And less decent people – but what they say is fundamentally true: that the condition of our apartment reflects the condition of our soul. Anyone who littered and dirty their own booth usually does so because they lack the motivation for small things such as putting clothes in the closet or vacuuming – and lack of or lost motivation is a serious warning signal! After all, motivation is our natural, mental motor that drives us and keeps us alive – and when it weakens, it obviously lacks fuel: lust for life!

4. Nobody understands what is really stressing you.

You are constantly stressed, but when you try to explain it to someone you trust, does they just look at you blankly? It could be that the stress takes place mainly in your head and you just can't stand anything anymore. No stress: It's not because of you or because you are weak – you probably took the wrong turn somewhere and are now unfortunately on the wrong path. The only thing that helps is stopping, taking a break and reorienting yourself. It's not easy, but it will be worth it, I promise!

5. Your fear prevents you from trying new things.

Everyone is afraid of something. Before losing someone, before clowns or before long, severe winters. But while such fears show us what is important to us or motivate us to develop strategies that protect us (e.g. save in time for a vacation in the south), a much more problematic fear prevents us from trying new things, from learning from our failure and to develop further in life. If we notice that such a fear paralyzes us, only one thing will help: break out!

Video tip: 7 signs you don't love yourself enough
