"do not send your children to school Thursday and Friday" ask the authorities

The scientific council recommends that parents do not send their children to school from Thursday, to self-confine before the holidays. An opinion followed by the Ministry of National Education.

The holiday season is fast approaching, but covid-19 is still around. Thus, in a new opinion published on December 14, the scientific council advises the French to "self-confine" for a week, before reuniting with their loved ones at Christmas. A means according to them, to limit the spread of the virus during this festive event.

See also: Confinement: here is what changes for the exit certificate from December 15

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Video by Juliette Le Peillet

The organization also recommends "Leave a tolerance to families who can and who wish to extend the school vacation period by 2 days". Or, not to put the children in school Thursday, December 17 and Friday, December 18, to let them confine themselves with their families.

An opinion followed by the office of the Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, according to AFP. A note will be sent this Tuesday, December 15 to rectors so that schools, colleges and high schools can organize themselves. Parents will have to notify schools before Thursday of their children's absence.

This self-containment is particularly necessary before seeing the grandparents and the elderly, recalls the scientific council. The French are also asked to "Limit family and friends meetings as much as possible" during these end of year celebrations. If you or your child is symptomatic, it is recommended that you get tested and isolated, even before receiving the results and despite Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve.

Elise Poiret

Journalist specializing in parenthood, Elise writes for aufeminin and Parole de mamans. She is also very involved in the fight for women's rights.

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