Do you dream of traveling in August? Don’t miss the 300,000 SNCF TGV tickets at reduced prices!

Alexander Boero

July 17, 2023 at 6:50 p.m.


TGV Inoui © Markus Mainka /

© Markus Mainka /

SNCF is stepping up operations and promotions to allow as many French people as possible to travel on board its trains throughout the summer. The company is now heading for the month of August.

This summer, TGV Inoui and Intercités are offering attractive promotions to encourage train travel, for young holidaymakers but not only. If you are on the train or are about to plan a stay or a journey for the month of August, that is good because the SNCF is offering 500,000 TGV and Intercités tickets at reduced rates, and announces in passing that nearly 50% of places for this summer remain available.

300,000 TGV tickets, a 1time accessible class and several destinations: the SNCF wants to push you on its trains

The SNCF announced on Monday the upcoming launch of a flash sale to take advantage of a month of August at low prices. From July 31 to 1er August, the company will sell 300,000 TGV tickets at prices starting at 29 euros in 2nde class, with a 1time class offered for only 1 euro extra.

Important clarification: the tickets you book will be valid for trains running between 1er and August 31. Tickets to or from Lille, Nancy, Lyon, La Rochelle, Grenoble or Marseille will be offered, between 29 and 49 euros.

Let’s not forget either that since July 7, the Ministry in charge of Transport has launched a sale of 200,000 Intercités tickets at 19 euros each way. All cities served by Intercités trains are concerned, i.e. 135 destinations. But there is something new! If this second offer was initially available until July 15, it has just been extended until August 31.

SNCF TGV © Travel-Fr /

© Travel-Fr /

SNCF also wants to attract young travelers

Young people are not left out. For this summer of 2023, the SNCF has decided to give a little extra push, through two operations that Clubic would like to detail for you, and which will allow customers with an Avantage Jeune card to benefit from 10 euros this summer. reduction on the purchase of a ticket; and a 30% discount at the Bar TGV Inoui.

In detail, holders of the Avantage Jeune card will be offered a reduction voucher of 10 euros to be used on their next trip on board a TGV Inoui or an Intercités in France, until September 30, for a trip to be made no later than December 9, 2023.

Also for holders of an Avantage Jeune card, the SNCF offers 30% reductions on all products from the Bar TGV Inoui, compared to the 15% they usually receive. Please note, we have read the small lines and this 30% extension does not apply to orders placed online or to menus, formulas and metro tickets that may be sold on board. The offer is valid from July 18 to September 30, until the end of summer.

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