Do you hate ads in Amazon Prime Video? Too bad, there will be even more

Amazon reveals the upcoming arrival of new advertising formats in its films and series. The ads will become more numerous and, above all, more annoying. Here’s what you need to know.

Prime Video
Credits: 123RF

Among the main streaming platforms, Amazon Prime Video is one of the last to have succumbed to the sirens of advertisements during its programs. Subscribers unfortunately have no choice: either they accept that their episode is interrupted once or twice for several tens of seconds, not counting the advertising just before the start, or they go to the checkout by paying €1.99 more per month to remove ads.

The cuts are painful. They can sometimes last up to a minute and instantly take us out of the atmosphere of the program being viewed. We suspect that Amazon doesn’t care since its goal, like any company, is to maximize its profits. She has also decided to go even further and announces theupcoming arrival of new advertising formats, including one which will be particularly invasive. In total, 3 types of ads will appear.

Amazon is preparing new advertisements in Prime Video films and series

Here are the new ads that we will soon see on Amazon Prime Video:

  • Of the carousel ads : they “allow customers to easily browse and purchase multiple related products on Amazon during commercial breaks on Prime Video. […] The ad automatically pauses to allow customers to navigate, and automatically resumes playback when interaction with the ad is interrupted“.
  • Of the interactive product placements : they will offer customers to use “their living room remote to add a product to their cart, request information via email, and claim rewards such as Amazon shopping credits on the purchase of eligible items“.
  • Of the ads when you pause the program : “When viewers press pause on their living room remote, they’ll see a translucent ad featuring the brand’s messaging and imagery, as well as a creative “Add to Cart” and “Learn More” overlay“.

Does this last type of advertising remind you of anything? Normal: this is the one that YouTube also wants to adopt, and which could even find its way into our video games. The exact rollout date hasn’t been announced, but it’s expected to happen no later than August 31 of this year.

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