do you have children? Your pension could increase from 5% to 10%!

Certain French children can see the amount of their additional withdrawal increased by 5% to 10%. An undeclared majority which concerns a group of withdrawn persons: shall we part?

Good news for a French part: you cannot save yourself, but, under certain conditions, you can have a right to bonus de 5% of 10% on the amount of your supplementary retirement pension. This means that when you reach the age of taking your leave, it is immediately valued if you present the criteria other than these majoritarian be careful and if you take the necessary steps, An undeniable blow in the face of an unexpected fall in withdrawal income and a rise in the cost of life.

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In effect, today, the average amount of retirement pension in France he studied at 1 531 euros gross monthlysoit 1 420 euros net, according to the government (and it’s even less for someone who hasn’t worked yet). An increase of 5 to 10% could therefore help a large number of French people. But the whole world is not right. What is concerned about these increases in supplementary retirement pensions?

In order to benefit from these augmentations, it must be paid to Agirc-Arrco regimewhich occupies the additional retirement of employees from the private sector. They can be in the form of temporary or permanent situations. The criteria which apply to these majorities are children. There are precisely two figure cases allowing you to touch this bonus:

  • You still have one or more children in charge at the moment when you take your leave
  • You have learned at least 3 children

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In what case can one benefit from a 5% increase in his additional withdrawal?

In the first case, the children in your charge must have less than 18 years (or under 25 years if they are students, apprentices or workers enrolled in France Travail and are not compensated). No age distinction is taken into account if your dependent children are considered disabled (or if their disability was recognized before they were 21 years old). Your Agirc-Arrco supplementary withdrawal fund will charge you a 5% increase in your rights throughout your career as a child. Please note that this valuation is temporary: it ends for each child when he or she turns 18 or 25 (even when he or she is no longer considered disabled).

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To obtain the 5% increase in your supplementary pension For children aged 18 and over, at the time of your departure for retirement, meet at your personal meeting room on the Retreat Insurance or Agirc-Arrco website. You must then provide specific documents justifying the age and situation of your children. Here are the necessary parts:

  • Children under 18 years: family booklet or birth certificate of each child
  • Children under 25 years: certificate of education or certificate of apprenticeship or registration in France Travail (former employment police) with a declaration of non-compensation for children looking for work
  • Disabled children: disability pension certificate or disability card or notification from the Commission for the Rights and Autonomy of Handicapped Persons (CDAPH)

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In what case can one benefit from a 10% increase in his additional withdrawal?

In the second case, you must have raised less than 3 children during their life to benefit from a 10% majority (for each parent). Attention, this is only the case if your rights have been acquired since 2011 (date of the merger of Agirc and Arrco). If your rights were acquired before, this means that in the case where your children are now before 2011, you are concerned by the old rights of the Agirc and Arrco banks. The voices:

  • Agirc regime: 8% for 3 children / 12% for 4 children / 16% for 5 children / 20% for 6 children / 24% for 7 children and more
  • Arrco regime before 1999: 10% for 3 children / 15% for 4 children / 20% for 5 children / 25% for 6 children / 30% for 7 children and more
  • Arrco regime between 1999 and 2011: 5% for 3 children and more

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Contrary to the majority of 5% for children under 3 years, the increase of 10% to have 3 children or more is permanent. To request, please contact your personal area on the Insurance Retraite or Agirc-Arrco website. Make sure that all your children are registered on your travel authorization form and provide the necessary legal aid:

  • A complete copy of your family book, which must include information about all your children
  • A full copy of the birth certificate of each child or an extract from the birth certificate with filiation

If you are eligible for the 10% bonus for having raised at least 3 children, you cannot benefit from the 5% bonus for the child in question: They are not cumulative. It is always the most favorable thing that you have imagined. In revenge, if the shipment of the child in charge is stopped, then having 3 raised children can be canceled afterwards.

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Women’s and children’s rights, violence, feminism, gender, discrimination, parentality, education, psychology, health, couples, sexuality, social networks… Joséphine loves to unravel all the social subjects that animate our world…

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