Do you have lunch in front of your computer? It’s very bad, here’s why!

Eating in front of a screen, everyone does. However, it would be necessary to stop to take a real time for the meals.

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Do you know the “zombie eating”? Far from designating the fact of devouring its congeners, this practice is in fact very common. It refers to eating without looking at your food, with your eyes absorbed by a screen. Whether it is in front of the television, your phone or the computer, it is common to eat meals without really paying attention, absorbed by work, studies or a series. However, far from increasing productivity, this habit is very bad for your health.

Indeed, the fact of not paying attention to this meal time promotes snacking and slows the feeling of satiety. The body does not realize what it is eating and the brain will have a slower signal to stop eating. Asked by the Belgian newspaper Le Soir, the dietician Segolène Guisset explains: “In front of a screen, we are distracted. We are less aware of what we are swallowing. (…) One of our senses is captivated in front of a screen: sight. This pushes us to eat faster and to be faster in front of our plate. Some will not even know how to say what they have swallowed, their eyes were riveted on the screen. The disconnection is total “. We eat faster, chewing less. This promotes excessive weight gain. Failure to focus on your sensations can also lead to sweeter or fatty foods, which are also unhealthy in excess. Finally, eating on the corner of your desk increases sedentary lifestyle, the enemy of form!
To reconnect with what you eat, you have to take your time between each bite, put your phone down or move your computer away just for the meal. If possible, this should be over a period of at least twenty minutes, at a table. Very simple tips to avoid becoming a “zombie eater”!

Mathilde Wattecamps

Missions: Mathilde is an expert in subjects related to women’s rights and health. Addicted to Instagram and Twitter, never stingy with a good …