Do you have to declare your income on Airbnb to taxes?

Income tax reporting season has begun. If you have rented out your place of residence, you may have to declare this income.

Declaring your income is never a particularly pleasant thing to do. And if you have sold clothes on Vinted, own crypto-currencies or have a bank account with a neo bank, the experience will quickly become hellish. If you rented your apartment or place of residence on Airbnb, follow the guide.

Do you have to declare your income?

Knowing what to do on online platforms is rarely easy. In the case of Airbnb, whether you are a ” professional host » or an individual, « when you rent accommodation for short periods, or offer an Experience, the income you receive is taxable and must be declared to the tax authorities as part of your annual tax return “says Airbnb. If you have rented your accommodation on Airbnb, you must declare the income you have madewhether it is your second home or your place of residence.

Doing your tax return is never an easy thing // Source: Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

There is, however, an exception: seasonal rentals of one or more rooms of his main residence which do not exceed €760 per year are exempt and are not to be declared for income tax “, Indicates the tax administration on the tax site. However, ” beyond this amount, the income must be declared for income tax “.

How do I report income on Airbnb?

There are several ways to report your income. If you won less than 72,600 eurosyou can opt for two solutions:

  • The simplest, and the one favored by the tax authorities, is that of the “micro-BIC regime”, the ” more suitable for casual activities “. In addition to your statement classic you will need to complete an additional tax return form: form number 2042 C Pro. You will need to indicate the amount received during the year line 5 ND. Note that you will be taxed at the income tax rate, on 50% of your income, which means that you will have an automatic expense allowance of 50%.
  • You can also choose a 2nd option, if you meet the resource conditions and you have opted for a “ flat rate levy » : you can complete form number 2042 C Pro, but this time filling in line 5 TB.
Do you have to declare your income on Airbnb to taxes?
Filling out your taxes: an allegory // Source: Tom Pumford / Unsplash

If you have won more than 72,600 eurosyou have no choice: you are automatically subject to the ” real diet “. This is the diet that is ” the regime most suited to professional activities according to taxes. No luck, ” it is also the most complex “. You must enter the amount of your receipts on the professional declaration form n° 2031-SD. You can deduct all of your expenses for their exact amount by carrying them on the same declaration, explains the tax authorities.

If your income exceeds 85,800 euros, you will also have to charge VAT, but you can also deduct the VAT paid on your purchases and expenses. This is an operation in its own right, which the tax authorities detail here.

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