Do you hike with Google Maps? This could be the wrong decision

Why Google Maps is not always suitable for hiking? This is explained quite simply. In order to always be up to date and to identify new paths for users, the app tracks the users’ walking routes. If a route is often run by several users, it will eventually appear as a path on the map. The problem with this is that rangers and hunters also have the app installed on their smartphones and these routes also end up in the system at some point. However, these are not official hiking trails. Instead, such routes often lead to dead ends, or even worse, to nature reserves and biosphere reserves.

Hopefully everyone knows by now that we have to protect our forests. But even if we don’t leave rubbish behind, don’t light campfires and otherwise behave appropriately in the forest, there can be consequences for the environment if we make a wrong turn because of an app.

How can we make it better? You don’t have to rely on your smartphone. Most easily walkable hiking routes are signposted. You will find signposts or markers to help you find your way. If you still prefer to navigate with your smartphone, you should get a decent hiking app with legitimate routes.

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