Do you know these amazing uses of toothpaste?

Beyond its primary use, toothpaste can be used for multiple operations that we detail in this article.

Toothpaste is a great product with unsuspected uses. If oral hygiene is the main function of this magic tube, other uses are possible. Before that, you have to think about freezing it. Yes, you read that right, freeze it like red meat or chicken! Freezing toothpaste is a Japanese trick. The latter consists of filling a tray of ice cubes with toothpaste, then placing it in the freezer for at least one night. Once the toothpaste has frozen, all you have to do is unmold the cubes and use them to clean your house.

In effect, you can use them by rubbing them on a stain to remove it. It will then suffice to rinse and then dry the cleaned area. This trick is also very effective for cleaning stains on carpets. In addition to removing the stain, toothpaste helps eliminate foul odors, especially on cutting boards when you’ve cooked fish, for example. By rubbing a cube of frozen toothpaste on the board you will deodorize it, but also disinfect it and rid it of any bacteria.

Other uses of toothpaste:

Before giving them, note that for all uses of the product, you must use a classic white toothpaste and not a colored one.

  • To wash a rust stain:

Say goodbye to frozen dough. This time you can use the toothpaste by taking it out of its tube. Spread it on a sponge or an old toothbrush with soft bristles. Then rub the stain and do not forget to rinse it. This trick works for jewelry, metal objects, and even clothing.

  • To clean tile joints:

Again, it will take a slightly damp toothbrush. The result is final.

To remove white traces of tartar and make your glasses shine, mix a little toothpaste and lukewarm water in a basin, then dip the stained glasses in it. Leave on for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

  • Toothpaste to make silverware shine:

Put a little toothpaste on the object in question, then rub with a soft microfiber cloth, to avoid scratching them. Rinse with lukewarm water and dry thoroughly. Toothpaste can make all silver objects shine, such as jewelry or cutlery.

  • Toothpaste to remove stains from clothes:

Spread a little toothpaste on the still fresh stain, using your fingers. Leave on for a few minutes then scrub the stain. If it turns out to be more stubborn than expected, do not hesitate to renew the operation. Finally, machine wash your garment.

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