Do you like asking ChatGPT questions? You could get paid (a lot) for it

The rise of high-performance AI chatbots like ChatGPT raises fears for jobs. But ChatGPT has also created a demand for a new position, which could earn you a lot of money.

If you’ve ever asked ChatGPT to help you accomplish a task, you’ve written a ChatGPT prompt (a prompt). And lucky for you, many companies are now looking to hire or work with people with these skills. This is to optimize the use of AI and the results of chatbots. More importantly, these are new and rare skills for now, and so those who prove themselves will be offered generous salaries and benefit amounts.

A quick Google search for “AI prompt writers” and “AI prompt engineers” will bring you to more than a dozen postings for positions for people with expertise in formulating AI bot prompts.

Paid training offers abound, on Twitter as on LinkedIn

A job offer for an “engineer and librarian in prompts” from the AI ​​company Anthropic, for a candidate with “at least a high level of familiarity with the architecture and operation of large language models”, pays in the United States between 175,000 and 335,000 dollars per year.

And if job offers tagged ChatGPT are not yet legion, paid training offers abound, on Twitter as on LinkedIn.

So why are companies willing to pay so much?

When you ask ChatGPT to perform a task for you, most of the time it requires multiple adjustments. This can take time and drastically reduce your efficiency and output. Additionally, despite the chatbot’s advanced technical capabilities, if you don’t know what to ask, you can’t optimize its results for use in your business.

Writing prompt or prompt type messages requires skill, what OpenAI CEO Sam Altman himself acknowledges.

The different elements that go into writing a successful prompt include personal knowledge of the technical capabilities of ChatGPT, using accurate language that the chatbot can easily understand, using the correct command for the desired outcome, providing the chatbot with sufficient context for it to understand the task, and much more.

Use the chatbot intensively

The best way to learn how to write the best prompts is to use the chatbot extensively. However, if you don’t have time to do it, or just don’t want to do it, you can also take advice from those who have done it before. And these pioneers speak of hundreds of hours of work.

In short, this new job is similar to the role of SEO specialist. It’s about taming the beast without having the keys to the internal machinery, understanding the tricks, and managing the impact of updates. Whether it’s Google’s search engine algorithm or OpenAI’s bot algorithm, the iterative dimension remains crucial.

And even if you don’t plan to change careers and become a full-time professional writer for AI chatbots, these skills and optimizing your messages could help you maximize your daily interactions with ChatGPT. .


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