do you really know this unique investment in the world?

How much money can I deposit on a Livret A? When was it created? Can you have several Livrets A?… Take the test with this quiz which should allow you to learn a little more about the specificities of the savings product preferred by the French.

MoneyVox Quiz

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It is a unique savings product in the world. No other country offers its inhabitants an investment similar to the Livret A. Among its main characteristics: a rate fixed by the State, tax and social exemption from interest (the Livret A is in fact a tax shelter), a guarantee of capital or even the possibility of depositing and recovering savings at any time free of charge.

Throughout its history, Livret A has become a totem. The preferred placement of the French has become such a political phenomenon that the revision of its rate, every six months, leads to a psychodrama. MoneyVox has also just relaunched the debate to find out whether it should not, once and for all, prevent the executive from setting the remuneration of the Livret A.

Phnom, national totem… The underside of Booklet A

Despite its imperfections, the Livret A is sacred today. According to a survey conducted in 2022, in partnership with YouGov (1)only 12% of those questioned were in favor of its deletion.

But if the Livret A is the savings product that households have the most, do you know its particularities? MoneyVox has concocted 10 questions for you, not always easy. So, are you unbeatable on Livret A? Take the test!

(1) The survey was carried out on 1,003 people representative of the French national population aged 18 and over. The survey was carried out online, on the YouGov France proprietary panel, from June 17 to 20, 2022.

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