Do you use and love WordPad? Enjoy it, Microsoft will make it disappear

Stephane Ficca

Hardware & gaming specialist

September 04, 2023 at 09:00


Microsoft logo © © Turag Photography / Unsplash

© Turag Photography / Unsplash

Microsoft has indicated that the WordPad application will no longer benefit from any updates.

Worse still, a future update will remove the famous text editor from Windows.

WordPad, 28 years old already!

For 28 years now, some Windows users have been indulging in basic text formatting with a certain WordPad. The word processing software is indeed integrated by default in all versions of Windows, and has been since 1995. A historical software, to say the least, but which will soon bow out.

Wordpad © © Microsoft

© Microsoft

WordPad is no longer being updated and will be removed in a future version of Windows. We recommend Microsoft Word for rich text documents such as .doc and .rtf and Windows Notepad for plain text documents such as .txt “explains Microsoft. As a reminder, Notepad has had a makeover with Windows 11.

Depreciation before deletion

The successor to Microsoft Write 28 years ago is very limited, of course, but many users still appreciate some of its features today. Obviously, over the years, WordPad has seen many alternatives flourish, from Microsoft (Notepad for example), but also from third-party publishers.

© Screenshot / Clubic

In its post, Microsoft is keen to differentiate between deprecation and deletion. So, for the first time, despite the absence of future updates, WordPad will continue to remain accessible. Soon, however, the application will be removed from the system with an OS update.

On the Microsoft side, we obviously invite users to consider the Microsoft 365 subscription, which allows them to take advantage of various in-house software, including a certain Word, which is much more complete and modern. Microsoft Office also offers many new features. Note that for a few years now, the WordPad application, like Paint, Notepad, or Windows Media Player, can be uninstalled through the Windows optional features menu.

Source : Bleeping Computer

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