Doctor Strange 2: is this Marvel character really dead?

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness leaves the fate of an important Marvel character hanging in the balance. Will we see this character again? Warning, spoilers.

Warning, spoilers. The article below reveals plot elements from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. If you haven’t seen the film, go your way.

Long awaited, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has finally hit theaters. Marvel fans can witness the madness of the Multiverse in which Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen), America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez) and Wong (Benedict Wong), among others, are immersed.

And if, at the end of the film, most of our heroes are doing well, there is a character for whom the future is more uncertain. After a long and breathless pursuit through the Multiverse, Scarlet Witch, the great antagonist of the Marvel feature film, lowers her arms and abandons her plan. She gives up capturing America Chavez to steal her power and be with variants of her children.

After defeating many of the characters who stood in her way and creating chaos, Scarlet Witch then restores things by freeing herself from the grip of the Darkhold and destroying all versions of this book which allowed her to have dreams- gateways and see the variants of its children. She then leaves Wong, America and Strange to go back to their universe.

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The last image that we see of Scarlet Witch shows her disappearing into the debris of Mount Wundagore, where the Darkhold spells and powers were inscribed by the demonic entity Chthon, which allowed her to take possession of one of its variants and to enjoy moments with the variants of its children.

Scarlet Witch back?

So is Scarlet Witch dead? That’s what the end of the film suggests, when the variant Christine (Rachel McAdams) asks Strange if Wanda made it out and he replies in the negative with a nod. But after all she’s accomplished and given the extent of her powers, it’s hard to imagine she could have died.

It would be amazing if Marvel Studios took care to flesh out Elizabeth Olsen’s character and give her an entire series to become Scarlet Witch so that she was just “just” the antagonist of Doctor Strange in the Dark. Multiverse of Madness and then dies.

We can therefore hope that Scarlet Witch managed to extract herself from the debris of Mount Wundagore or that she managed to flee before the monument collapsed on her. A wide shot of Mount Wundagore in which we see a final red explosion appear and then disappear as the monument collapses seems to confirm this. This time around, Wanda may actually go into exile and take a step back from her actions and learn to use her powers for good.

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Scarlet Witch’s history in the comics is very rich, so there is plenty to offer her new storylines in the future of the MCU, such as “House of M”, which often comes up in fan theories and Marvel discussions. It wouldn’t be surprising if Marvel Studios and Kevin Feige were considering a solo film for Scarlet Witch, given her massive popularity since the WandaVision series.

Besides, Elizabeth Olsen would be totally ready to continue playing Scarlet Witch, on one condition, however… a little rest! This is what the actress said in an interview for On Demand Entertainment : “I don’t know much, but if they have a good story to tell, I’ll be there. […] After a break, even a very small one. At least a semblance of a break.”

If ever a Scarlet Witch movie is in the works, it won’t be right away, given the number of officially announced Marvel feature films through 2024. But we might see Wanda again in a post-credits scene from an upcoming Marvel movie – maybe Doctor Strange 3? – while waiting to learn more about what has become of her.

Will Elizabeth Olsen return as Wanda, Scarlet Witch or as a variant? Will this return take place with the Avengers or with the mutants? We will have to wait for official announcements from Marvel Studios.

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