Does the CAF algorithm penalize the most vulnerable? Understand in three minutes

The National Family Allowance Fund (CNAF), the organization that oversees all CAFs, has 700 sworn agents to check the situation of the 13.8 million French households receiving aid. With a ratio of one controller for approximately 20,000 households, its margin of action is limited. It therefore designed an algorithm intended to determine the profiles of beneficiaries most at risk of making errors or fraud, the use of which it generalized from 2010.

An investigation of World in partnership with the collective of journalists Lighthouse Reports reveals that this program penalizes the most vulnerable recipients, such as single mothers, people with disabilities or even work-study students. The CNAF, whose mission is to provide support to families in their daily lives, today seems to contribute to the discrimination of these households. Our explanations in this three-minute video.

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“Understand in three minutes”

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