Does the “Judensau” plastic in Wittenberg have to be removed after all?

DThe most important thing for you this Tuesday:

Tatyana Heid

Deputy Editor-in-Chief for News and Politics Online.

1. BGH rules on anti-Jewish pig relief
2. Farmers’ Day looks at the effects of the Ukraine war
3. Germans want to save on vacation
4. Every second day-care center cannot use its full capacity
5. Mélenchon doubts election result
6. Wreck of HMS Gloucester discovered

7. Germany meets Italy in the Nations League

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The sixth civil senate of the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) in Karlsruhe opens the hearing on the abusive plastic at the town church in Wittenberg in Saxony-Anhalt.

The sixth civil senate of the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) in Karlsruhe opens the hearing on the abusive plastic at the town church in Wittenberg in Saxony-Anhalt.

Image: dpa

1. BGH rules on anti-Jewish pig relief

There has been a legal dispute about this for four years, now the Federal Court of Justice wants to announce its decision. Does the anti-Jewish sandstone relief on the Wittenberg church have to be removed?

Fight: The legal dispute is about a defamatory sculpture on the town church in Wittenberg in Saxony-Anhalt called “Judensau”. The plaintiff wants the plastic removed. He sees in it an example of the failures of the Church in dealing with Jews. In the oral hearing two weeks ago, the presiding judge Stephan Seiters said that the relief in itself was “anti-Semitism set in stone”.

Relief: The relief from the 13th century shows a sow whose teats are being suckled by two people. Pointed hats are intended to identify them as Jews. A figure – which according to the Supreme Court represents a rabbi – lifts the animal’s tail and looks into its anus. In the Jewish faith, pigs are considered unclean. The municipal parish describes the relief as “a difficult legacy, but also a document of contemporary history”.

lower courts: The Naumburg Higher Regional Court and the Dessau-Roßlau Regional Court had previously dismissed the lawsuit. The reason was, among other things, the explanatory panel near the image, which refers to the context. Abusive sculptures of this kind were particularly widespread in the Middle Ages, it is said there, among other things. From the plaintiff’s point of view, that is not enough. He has already announced that he will take full legal action and, if in doubt, will go to the Federal Constitutional Court.

Harvesting at night: a forage harvester works in a field on the outskirts of Leipzig using spotlights

Harvesting at night: a forage harvester works in a field on the outskirts of Leipzig using spotlights

Image: dpa

2. Farmers’ Day looks at the effects of the Ukraine war

The German Farmers’ Day begins this Tuesday in Lübeck. The tense situation on the global agricultural markets is also an issue.

Grain: The two-day association meeting with around 450 delegates will probably deal with how the situation on the global agricultural markets can be alleviated by expanding production in Germany. Federal Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir (Greens) has already made it possible for grass and plants from certain “ecological priority areas” to be used as fodder this year. However, the farmers’ association spoke out in favor of using additional land for growing food. Many farms are currently suffering from increased costs – for energy and fertilizers, among other things.

Energy: Politicians are discussing what can be done about the high prices at the gas stations – after the tank discount has not had the desired effect. After a brief dip earlier in the month, prices are moving up again despite lower taxes on diesel and petrol. For the ADAC automobile club, one thing is certain: “The tax cut will largely go to the mineral oil companies.”

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