“Doesn’t belong in the Chancellery”: Green youth wants to prevent Chancellor Laschet

“Doesn’t belong in the Chancellery”
Green youth wants to prevent Chancellor Laschet

For the Green Youth it is clear: A “Jamaica” coalition is not an option for the formation of a government. There are tough words for the CDU chancellor candidate Armin Laschet. However, one also has “fear and respect” before talks with the designated coalition partner.

After the federal election, the Green Youth rejected a coalition of CDU, Greens and FDP. “There is no reason for Jamaica,” said the spokesman for the independent youth organization of Bündnis90 / Die Grünen, Georg Kurz, the “Tagesspiegel”. The Union had been voted out of office and had to become part of the opposition. “The Union has lost all entitlement to government participation,” said Kurz. The Green Youth represents around 15,000 members and is considered to be significantly more left-wing than the party as a whole. She is also skeptical of a traffic light coalition with the SPD and FDP: “We have very little in common with the FDP. We now have to combine climate protection with social justice,” said Kurz.

Spokeswoman Anna Peters has also spoken out clearly against a future three-party alliance with the CDU. “I am clearly in favor of the traffic lights,” said Peters in the ARD “Morgenmagazin” with a view to a possible red-yellow-green alliance. Young liberals boss Jens Teutrine did not want to commit himself and said that it depends on the content. Union Chancellor candidate Armin Laschet did not cut a good figure in the election campaign, said Peters. “It is clear to us that people are not allowed into the Chancellery.”

“Respect and fear” before talking to liberals

In the negotiations with the FDP, the Green Youth have “respect and fear” for the social issue. “The FDP does not provide the answers that we provide,” she said, referring to climate protection. On the other hand, she sees correspondences with, for example, the liberal view of society.

Teutrine said he saw problems in the upcoming talks with the Greens in reconciling climate protection and prosperity. Both must be combined, prosperity must not be jeopardized. However, there are overlaps in the defense of the open society. He warned, however, that the talks should not be about “orienting oneself by indents”.

Baerbock emphasizes interfaces

Green party leader Annalena Baerbock also referred to interfaces between liberals and Greens in the RBB, “especially in the area of ​​civil rights, in the area of ​​a modern society and immigration society.” Trust is important for good cooperation. You will therefore not say when and where talks will take place.

The task of the next federal government is to modernize the country, emphasized Baerbock. It is not helpful to point out differences in advance: “The important thing now is to get out of this old blockade thinking – on the one hand climate protection, on the other hand economic policy,” explained Baerbock.

The SPD won the Bundestag election on Sunday with a slight lead over the Union. The previous government partners reject a continuation of their eight-year grand coalition. Two three-way alliances with the participation of the Greens and the FDP would be possible: either a “traffic light” under the leadership of the SPD or “Jamaica” with the Union at the head.

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